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Amber Woodcock

Amber Woodcock


Amber Woodcock is the Guide By Your Side Parent Guide and ASTra programs coordinator and the current President of Maine Hands & Voices. She is a stay at home mom to three children: Maverick, Raiden, and Eevee. Raiden was referred for further testing after his newborn hearing screening and was subsequently identified with a progressive bilateral sensorineural hearing levels.  He has worn both hearing aids and cochlear implants. Raiden has been attending MECDHH as a preschool student for the last three years and will be starting his main stream education in the fall of 2018. Amber is also on the Maine Newborn Hearing Advisory Board as the parent of a deaf or hard of hearing child. She is trying to do anything and everything that she can do to help support the other families in Maine that have deaf or hard of hearing children. Amber lives in Augusta with her three children.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 406, Brewer, ME 04412


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