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Do you have a Deaf or hard of hearing child? Would you like support and resources?
About Us
Who We Are
Board Members
Parent Guides
D/HH Guides
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Pricing Options
$150.00 - Vendors
If you are a vendor, please register here. This amount includes registration for two people to attend the conference and a table with two chairs to share your information. Please be sure the second person registers through the "2nd vendor registrant" registration choice to be sure their choices for food, accessibility, etc., are captured.
$0.00 - Family/Guardian
If you are the family member/guardian of a deaf or hard of hearing child, register here! We're glad you're joining us!
$30.00 - Members of Maine Hands & Voices
If you are a member of Maine Hands & Voices, register here! Thank you for your support!
$60.00 - Nonmember of Maine Hands & Voices
If you are not a member of Maine Hands & Voices, register here and please consider becoming a member to help us support families with kids who are deaf or hard of hearing! You can become a member right here on our website!
$0.00 - Presenter
If you are presenting at our conference, your registration is free, but we would love you to become a member of Maine Hands & Voices right here on our website. You will receive Hands & Voices Headquarters quarterly newspaper and help us support families here in Maine!
$0.00 - Conference interpreters/transliterators
If you are interpreting for our conference, your registration is free. Please register here.
$0.00 - Vendor, second registrant
If you are registering as the second person at a vendor table, please register here.
$0.00 - Vendor if sending check
If you would like to have a vendor table but wish to send a check for the amount of $150, please register here and send your checks to Maine Hands & Voices, P.O. Box 406, Brewer, ME 04412. Thank you for your support and please consider becoming a member of Maine Hands & Voices right here on our website!
$0.00 - Sponsor
If you are sponsoring our conference, your registration is free. Please provide your information here for food and access needs.
$0.00 - MECDHH Employee
If MECDHH is paying for your registration, please register here. Please consider becoming a member of Maine Hands & Voices to help us support families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. You can do this right here on our website!
$20.00 - Zoom for keynote presentation
If you can't make it to our conference but would like to watch our keynote presentations, register here! We will provide you with further information regarding a link, etc., once the day of the conference is closer.
Accessibility Needs
ASL interpreter
Cued speech Transliterator
Dietary Needs
Gluten free
Contact Us
P.O. Box 406, Brewer, ME 04412